Micron E 16Gbit MT40A2G8JC-062E:E 95E75 D9ZFV D2KH # of Row Addressing Bits: 17 # of Column Addressing Bits: 10 # of Banks: 16 # of Ranks: 2 Device Width in Bits: 8 Bus Width in Bits: 64 row = 131072 col = 1024 x4 and x8 = (4 groups of 4 banks each) = x8 x16 = (2 groups of 4 banks each) 134217728 / bank 536870912 / bank group 2147483648 / chip 17179869184 / rank 34359738368 / dimm Twrrd - 1 Trdwr - 11 TwrwrScL (write to write - same bank group) - 5 TwrwrSc (write to write - different bank group) - 1 TwrwrSd (write to write - different rank) - 7 TwrwrDd (write to write - different dimm) - 7 TrdrdScL (read to read - same bank group) - 5 TrdrdSc (read to read - different bank group) - 1 TrdrdSd (read to read - different rank) - 5 TrdrdDd (read to read - different dimm) - 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hynix AFR 8Gbit H5AN8G8NAFR UHC 704VS DTCCLH73H1 # of Row Addressing Bits: 16 # of Column Addressing Bits: 10 # of Banks: 16 # of Ranks: 2 Device Width in Bits: 8 Bus Width in Bits: 64 row = 65536 col = 1024 x8 = (4 groups of 4 banks each) = x8 67108864 / bank 268435456 / bank group 1073741824 / chip 8589934592 / rank 17179869184 / dimm Twrrd - 1 Trdwr - 9 TwrwrScL (write to write - same bank group) - 2 TwrwrSc (write to write - different bank group) - 1 TwrwrSd (write to write - different rank) - 6 TwrwrDd (write to write - different dimm) - 6 TrdrdScL (read to read - same bank group) - 2 TrdrdSc (read to read - different bank group) - 1 TrdrdSd (read to read - different rank) - 4 TrdrdDd (read to read - different dimm) - 4