Font Styles in various languages

English Regular Bold Demi-Bold Light Medium Book Black Italic Oblique Condensed Expanded Outline
正常 粗体 略粗 中等 书体 斜体 压缩 加宽 轮廓
Croatian Normalni Debeli Polu-Debeli Svijetli Srednji Knjižni Tamni Kurziv Ukošeni Suženi Prošireni Konturni
Danish Normal Fed Halvfed Fin Medium Extra fed Kursiv Smal Bred Kontur
Dutch Normaal Vet Dik Licht Gemiddeld Boek Extra vet Cursief Schuin Smal Breed Uitlijning
French Normal Gras Demi-Gras Maigre Normal Extra-Gras Italique Oblique Étroite Large Contour
German Standard Fett Halbfett mager mittel
Buchschrift Schwarz Kursiv schräg schmal breit Kontur
Greek κανονική έντονη ηµιέντονη λεπτή µεσαία ßιßλίου µαύρα Λειψίας πλάγια πυκνή αραιή περιγράμματος
Hungarian Normàl Kövér FélkövérKövér Világos Közepes Sötétes Fekete Dőlt Döntött Keskeny Széles Kontúros
Italian Normale Nero Neretto Chiaro Medio Libro ExtraNero Corsivo Obliquo Condensato Allargato
Norwegian Vanlig Halvfet Mager Fet Kursiv Smal Sperret
Polish odmiana podstawowa odmiana pogrubiona odmiana półgruba odmiana bardzo cienka odmiana zwykła odmiana bardzo gruba odmiana pochyła odmiana wąska odmiana szeroka odmiana konturowa
Russian Обычный Обычный Полужирный Светлый Чёрный Курсив Наклон Узкий Широкий
Spanish Normal Negrita Fina Supernegra Cursiva Condensada Ampliada
Swedish Mager Fet Extrafin Extrafet Kursiv Smal Bred
Vietnamese Chuẩn Đậm Nửa đậm Nhẹ Vừa Sách Đen Nghiêng Xiên Hẹp Rộng Nét ngoài

(Any help in expanding/correcting the above table would be greatly appreciated For more information on translating fontforge see the UI Translation page.

When you create a Style entry for an language in the Element->Font Info->TTF Name dialog, FontForge will attempt to translate the American English style into something appropriate for that language. It understands languages in the above table, but not others so it won't always work.

So if your style in American English is "BoldItalic" then after you create the appropriate strings FontForge will default to "GrasItalique" for French, "FettKursiv" for German, "ОбычныйКурсив" for Russian and "NigritaCursiva" for Spanish.