#!@PERL@ -w ###################################################################### ### finance-quote-wrapper - interface file between gnucash and ### Finanace::Quote. Only intended to be used ### from gnucash code. ### Based on code taken from gnc-fq-helper. ### Copyright 2001 Rob Browning ### Copyright 2021 Geert Janssens ### ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ### modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ### published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ### the License, or (at your option) any later version. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program# if not, contact: ### ### Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 ### 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 ### Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org ###################################################################### use strict; use English; =head1 NAME finance-quote-wrapper - internal interface between gnucash and Finance::Quote =head1 SYNOPSIS finance-quote-wrapper =head1 DESCRIPTION Input: a JSON encoded hash of namespaces and commodities to query prices for. Currencies all go under the "currency' namespace, other commodities are grouped according to the quotes source they should be queried from There should also be a "defaultcurrency" key with the currency to be used as base currency for currency quotes. { "defaultcurrency": "EUR", "currency": { "XAG": "", "HKD": "", "USD": "" }, "yahoo_json": { "CSCO": "" } } Output (on standard output): The retrieved quotes in JSON format for further processing. These are the raw values returned by Finance::Quote. The caller is responsible for parsing and interpreting the results. If there are program failures, an error message will be printed on standard error. Exit status 0 - success non-zero - failure =cut sub check_modules { my @modules = qw(Finance::Quote JSON::Parse Getopt::Std); my @missing; foreach my $mod (@modules) { if (eval "require $mod") { $mod->import(); } else { push (@missing, $mod); } } return unless @missing; # Test for STDERR being a tty and output a detailed message if it is # and a short message if it isn't; in the latter case we're probably # being called from GnuCash and it will emit its own localized error. if (-t STDERR) { print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "You need to install the following Perl modules:\n"; foreach my $mod (@missing) { print STDERR " ".$mod."\n"; } print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "Please see https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes#Finance::Quote for detailed corrective action.\n"; print "missing-lib\n"; } else { print STDERR "missing_modules ", join(" ", @missing), "\n"; } exit 1; } sub print_version { my $quoter = Finance::Quote->new(); my @sources = $quoter->sources(); print "$Finance::Quote::VERSION\n"; foreach my $source (@sources) { print "$source\n"; } exit 0; } sub print_usage { if (-t STDERR) { my $message = << 'END'; Usage: Check proper installation and version: finance-quote-wrapper -v Fetch quotes (input should be passed as JSON via stdin): finance-quote-wrapper -f END print STDERR $message; } } sub sanitize_hash { my (%quotehash) = @_; my %newhash; my @oldkeys = sort keys %quotehash; foreach my $singlekey (@oldkeys) { my ($symbol, $newkey) = split /\x1c/, $singlekey, 2; $newhash{$symbol}{$newkey} = $quotehash{$singlekey}; } return %newhash; } sub parse_currencies { my($quoter, $currencies, $to_currency) = @_; return unless $to_currency; my %results; foreach my $from_currency (keys %$currencies) { next unless $from_currency; my $price = $quoter->currency($from_currency, $to_currency); my $inv_price = undef; my $inverted = 0; # Sometimes price quotes are available in only one direction. unless (defined($price)) { $inv_price = $quoter->currency($to_currency, $from_currency); if (defined($inv_price)) { $price = $inv_price; $inverted = 1; } } $results{$from_currency}{"success"} = defined($price); $results{$from_currency}{"inverted"} = $inverted; $results{$from_currency}{"symbol"} = $from_currency; $results{$from_currency}{"currency"} = $to_currency; $results{$from_currency}{"last"} = $price; } return %results; } sub parse_commodities { my($quoter, $quote_method_name, $commodities) = @_; my %quote_data = $quoter->fetch($quote_method_name, keys %$commodities); my %normalized_quote_data = sanitize_hash(%quote_data); return %normalized_quote_data; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runtime. # Check for and load non-standard modules check_modules (); my %opts; my $status = getopts('hvf', \%opts); if (!$status) { print_usage(); exit 1; } if (exists $opts{'v'}) { print_version(); } elsif (exists $opts{'h'}) { print_usage(); exit 0; } elsif (!exists $opts{'f'}) { print_usage(); exit 1; } JSON::Parse->import(qw(valid_json parse_json)); my $json_input = do { local $/; }; if (!valid_json($json_input)) { if (-t STDERR) { print STDERR "Could not parse input as valid JSON.\n"; print STDERR "Received input:\n$json_input\n"; } else { print STDERR "invalid_json\n"; } exit 1; } my $requests = parse_json ($json_input); my $defaultcurrency = $$requests{'defaultcurrency'}; # This shouldn't be possible if we're called from GnuCash, so only warn in interactive use. if (!$defaultcurrency) { $defaultcurrency = "USD"; if (-t STDERR) { print STDERR "Warning: no default currency was specified, assuming 'USD'\n"; } } # Create a stockquote object. my $quoter = Finance::Quote->new(); my $prgnam = "gnc-fq-helper"; # Disable default currency conversions. $quoter->set_currency(); my $key; my $values; my %results; while (($key, $values) = each %$requests) { next if ($key eq "defaultcurrency"); if ($key eq "currency") { my %curr_results = parse_currencies ($quoter, $values, $defaultcurrency, %results); if (%curr_results) { %results = (%results, %curr_results); } } else { my %comm_results = parse_commodities ($quoter, $key, $values, %results); if (%comm_results) { %results = (%results, %comm_results); } } } if (%results) { use JSON; my $jsonval = encode_json \%results; print "$jsonval\n"; } STDOUT->flush(); ## Local Variables: ## mode: perl ## End: