[idl-BluetoothUUID.html] [0x0 should produce valid UUID.] expected: FAIL [NaN returns basic uuid] expected: FAIL [Values between 0xfffffffff (8 digits) and 0xffffffffffffff (14 digits)should return max UUID] expected: FAIL [Infinity returns base UUID] expected: FAIL [0xdeadbeef should produce valid UUID.] expected: FAIL [Only first 32bits should be used.] expected: FAIL [A valid UUID String should return the same UUID.] expected: FAIL [A UUID String with uppercase letters is an invalid UUID.] expected: FAIL [A 32bit *String* alias is invalid.] expected: FAIL [A UUID with invalid characters is an invalid UUID.] expected: FAIL [A valid UUID from a name.] expected: FAIL [Make sure attributes don't share a map] expected: FAIL [Invalid Descriptor name] expected: FAIL [Non-number and non-strings] expected: FAIL