[reflection-obsolete.html] [applet.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [applet.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to "" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to undefined followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to 7 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to 1.5 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to true followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to false followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to NaN followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to -Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to "\\0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to null followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to "" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to undefined followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to 7 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to 1.5 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to true followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to false followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to NaN followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to -Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to "\\0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to null followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to "" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to undefined followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to 7 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to 1.5 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to true followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to false followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to NaN followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to -Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to "\\0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to null followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to "" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to undefined followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to 7 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to 1.5 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to true followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to false followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to NaN followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to -Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to "\\0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to null followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -2147483649 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -36 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -1 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 0 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 1 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 257 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 2147483647 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 4294967295 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 4294967296 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "-1" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "-0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "1" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\t7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\v7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\f7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\n7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\r7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "
7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "
7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "᠎7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to object "2" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 0 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 1 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 257 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 2147483647 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to "-0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to "-0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -2147483649 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -36 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -1 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 0 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 1 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 257 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 2147483647 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 4294967295 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 4294967296 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "-1" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "-0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "1" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\t7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\v7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\f7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\n7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\r7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "
7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "
7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "᠎7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to object "2" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 0 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 1 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 257 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 2147483647 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to "-0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to "-0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -2147483649 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -36 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -1 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 0 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 1 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 257 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 2147483647 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 4294967295 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 4294967296 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "-1" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "-0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "1" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\t7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\v7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\f7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\n7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\r7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "
7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "
7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "᠎7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to object "2" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 0 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 1 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 257 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 2147483647 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to "-0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to "-0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to " foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to "trueSpeed" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to "" followed by hasAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to " foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to undefined followed by hasAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to null followed by hasAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to false followed by hasAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to NaN followed by hasAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -2147483649 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -36 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -1 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 0 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 1 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 257 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 2147483647 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 4294967295 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 4294967296 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "-1" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "-0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "1" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\t7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\v7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\f7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\n7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\r7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "
7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "
7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "᠎7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to object "2" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 0 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 1 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 257 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 2147483647 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to "-0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to "-0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to "" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to "\\0" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to "" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo " followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to undefined followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to undefined followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to 7 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to 7 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to 1.5 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to 1.5 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to true followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to true followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to false followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to false followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to object "[object Object\]" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to NaN followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to NaN followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to -Infinity followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to -Infinity followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to "\\0" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to null followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to null followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to object "test-toString" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [frameset.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [frameset.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [frame.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [frame.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [dir.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [dir.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [font.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [font.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "3" followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 2147483648 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 4294967295 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 4294967295 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 2147483648 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 4294967295 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 4294967295 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 2147483648 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 4294967295 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 4294967295 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 2147483648 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 2147483648 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 4294967295 followed by getAttribute()] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 4294967295 followed by IDL get] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.behavior: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.bgColor: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.direction: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.height: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -2147483649] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -36] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -1] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 0] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 1] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 257] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 4294967296] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "-1"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "-0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "1"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\t7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\v7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\f7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\n7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\r7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "᠎7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to object "2"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: setAttribute() to object "3"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 0] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 1] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 257] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to "-0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.hspace: IDL set to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -2147483649] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -36] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -1] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 0] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 1] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 257] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 4294967296] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "-1"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "-0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "1"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\t7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\v7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\f7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\n7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\r7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "᠎7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to object "2"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: setAttribute() to object "3"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 0] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 1] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 257] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to "-0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollAmount: IDL set to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -2147483649] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -36] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -1] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 0] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 1] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 257] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 4294967296] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "-1"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "-0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "1"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\t7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\v7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\f7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\n7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\r7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "᠎7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to object "2"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: setAttribute() to object "3"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 0] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 1] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 257] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to "-0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.scrollDelay: IDL set to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to " foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: setAttribute() to "trueSpeed"] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to " foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.trueSpeed: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -2147483649] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -36] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -1] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 0] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 1] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 257] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 4294967296] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "-1"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "-0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "1"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\t7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\v7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\f7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\n7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\r7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "᠎7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to object "2"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: setAttribute() to object "3"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 0] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 1] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 257] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to "-0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [marquee.vspace: IDL set to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [marquee.width: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.align: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.align: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.align: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.alt: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.archive: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.code: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.code: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.code: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to " foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to "http://site.example/"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to "//site.example/path???@#l"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to "\\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f "] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to " foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to "http://site.example/"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to "//site.example/path???@#l"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to "\\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f "] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.codeBase: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.height: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.height: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.height: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to -2147483649] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to -2147483648] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to -36] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to -1] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to 0] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to 1] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to 257] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to 4294967296] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "-1"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "-0"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "0"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "1"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\t7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\v7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\f7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\n7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\r7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "᠎7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to object "2"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: setAttribute() to object "3"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: IDL set to 0] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: IDL set to 1] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: IDL set to 257] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: IDL set to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: IDL set to "-0"] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: IDL set to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [applet.hspace: IDL set to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [applet.name: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.name: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.name: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to " foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to "http://site.example/"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to "//site.example/path???@#l"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to "\\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f "] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to " foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to "http://site.example/"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to "//site.example/path???@#l"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to "\\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f "] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.object: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to -2147483649] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to -2147483648] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to -36] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to -1] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to 0] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to 1] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to 257] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to 4294967296] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "-1"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "-0"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "0"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "1"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\t7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\v7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\f7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\n7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\r7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "
7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "᠎7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " 7"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to object "2"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: setAttribute() to object "3"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: IDL set to 0] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: IDL set to 1] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: IDL set to 257] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: IDL set to 2147483647] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: IDL set to "-0"] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: IDL set to 2147483648] expected: FAIL [applet.vspace: IDL set to 4294967295] expected: FAIL [applet.width: typeof IDL attribute] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL get with DOM attribute unset] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to true] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to false] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to null] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.width: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to ""] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to " \\0\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07 \\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\x0e\\x0f \\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17 \\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f foo "] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to undefined] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to 7] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to 1.5] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to true] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to false] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to object "[object Object\]"] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to NaN] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to -Infinity] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to "\\0"] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to null] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to object "test-toString"] expected: FAIL [applet.width: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"] expected: FAIL