[When the context is created, imageSmoothingEnabled must be set to true.]
expected: FAIL
[On getting imageSmoothingEnabled, the user agent must return the last value it was set to.]
expected: FAIL
[Test that image smoothing is actually on by default.]
expected: FAIL
[Test that image smoothing works when imageSmoothingEnabled is set to true]
expected: FAIL
[Test that imageSmoothingEnabled = false (nearest-neighbor interpolation) works with drawImage().]
expected: FAIL
[Test that imageSmoothingEnabled = false (nearest-neighbor interpolation) works with fillRect and createPattern().]
expected: FAIL
[Test that imageSmoothingEnabled = false (nearest-neighbor interpolation) works with fill() and createPattern().]
expected: FAIL
[Test that imageSmoothingEnabled = false (nearest-neighbor interpolation) works with stroke() and createPattern().]
expected: FAIL
[Test that imageSmoothingEnabled = false (nearest-neighbor interpolation) still works after repaints.]
expected: FAIL