[TransformStream can be constructed with a transform function]
expected: FAIL
[TransformStream can be constructed with no transform function]
expected: FAIL
[TransformStream instances must have writable and readable properties of the correct types]
expected: FAIL
[TransformStream writable starts in the writable state]
expected: FAIL
[Identity TransformStream: can read from readable what is put into writable]
expected: FAIL
[Uppercaser sync TransformStream: can read from readable transformed version of what is put into writable]
expected: FAIL
[Uppercaser-doubler sync TransformStream: can read both chunks put into the readable]
expected: FAIL
[Uppercaser async TransformStream: can read from readable transformed version of what is put into writable]
expected: FAIL
[Uppercaser-doubler async TransformStream: can read both chunks put into the readable]
expected: FAIL
[TransformStream: by default, closing the writable closes the readable (when there are no queued writes)]
expected: FAIL
[TransformStream: by default, closing the writable waits for transforms to finish before closing both]
expected: FAIL
[TransformStream: by default, closing the writable closes the readable after sync enqueues and async done]
expected: FAIL
[TransformStream: by default, closing the writable closes the readable after async enqueues and async done]
expected: FAIL
[Transform stream should call transformer methods as methods]
expected: FAIL
[methods should not not have .apply() or .call() called]
expected: FAIL
[TransformStream start, transform, and flush should be strictly ordered]
expected: FAIL
[it should be possible to call transform() synchronously]
expected: FAIL
[closing the writable should close the readable when there are no queued chunks, even with backpressure]
expected: FAIL
[enqueue() should throw after controller.terminate()]
expected: FAIL
[enqueue() should throw after readable.cancel()]
expected: FAIL
[controller.terminate() should do nothing the second time it is called]
expected: FAIL
[terminate() should do nothing after readable.cancel()]
expected: FAIL
[start() should not be called twice]
expected: FAIL
[specifying a defined readableType should throw]
expected: FAIL
[specifying a defined writableType should throw]
expected: FAIL