[X Factory method: node.channelCount is not equal to 2. Got 1.]
expected: FAIL
[X Factory method: node.offset.minValue is not equal to -3.4028234663852886e+38. Got -Infinity.]
expected: FAIL
[X Factory method: node.offset.maxValue is not equal to 3.4028234663852886e+38. Got Infinity.]
expected: FAIL
[< [createConstantSource()\] 3 out of 11 assertions were failed.]
expected: FAIL
[X Constructor: node.channelCount is not equal to 2. Got 1.]
expected: FAIL
[X Constructor: node.offset.minValue is not equal to -3.4028234663852886e+38. Got -Infinity.]
expected: FAIL
[X Constructor: node.offset.maxValue is not equal to 3.4028234663852886e+38. Got Infinity.]
expected: FAIL
[< [new ConstantSourceNode()\] 3 out of 11 assertions were failed.]
expected: FAIL
[X start(-1) threw "NotSupportedError" instead of RangeError.]
expected: FAIL
[X stop(-1) threw "NotSupportedError" instead of RangeError.]
expected: FAIL
[< [start/stop exceptions\] 2 out of 10 assertions were failed.]
expected: FAIL
[# AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 3 out of 3 tasks were failed.]
expected: FAIL