[Add null candidate should reject with TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Add candidate with only valid sdpMid should succeed]
expected: FAIL
[Add candidate with only valid sdpMLineIndex should succeed]
expected: FAIL
[Add with empty candidate string (end of candidate) should succeed]
expected: FAIL
[Add candidate with invalid sdpMid should reject with OperationError]
expected: FAIL
[Add candidate with invalid sdpMLineIndex should reject with OperationError]
expected: FAIL
[Invalid sdpMLineIndex should be ignored if valid sdpMid is provided]
expected: FAIL
[Add candidate with invalid ufrag should reject with OperationError]
expected: FAIL
[Add candidate with invalid candidate string should reject with OperationError]
expected: FAIL
[Add candidate with sdpMid belonging to different ufrag should reject with OperationError]
expected: FAIL
[Add valid candidate should never resolve when pc is closed]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1382972