expected: TIMEOUT
[Malformed SDP description should be rejected with RTCError]
expected: FAIL
[SDP type that is invalid for current signaling state should be rejected with InvalidStateError]
expected: FAIL
[setRemoteDescription with valid offer should succeed]
expected: FAIL
[Setting remote description multiple times with different offer should succeed]
expected: FAIL
[setRemoteDescription(offer) should never resolve if connection is closed in parallel]
disabled: unstable
if debug and not stylo and e10s and (os == "linux") and (version == "Ubuntu 16.04") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): PASS
[setRemoteDescription(offer) with invalid SDP should reject with RTCError]
expected: FAIL
[setRemoteDescription() with valid state and answer should succeed]
expected: FAIL
[Switching role from offerer to answerer after going back to stable state should succeed]
expected: FAIL
[Calling setRemoteDescription(answer) from stable state should reject with InvalidStateError]
expected: FAIL
[Calling setRemoteDescription(offer) from have-local-offer state should reject with InvalidStateError]
expected: FAIL
[Calling setRemoteDescription(answer) from have-remote-offer state should reject with InvalidStateError]
expected: FAIL
[setRemoteDescription should trigger ontrack event when the MSID of the stream is is parsed.]
expected: FAIL
[Test onsignalingstatechange event for Switching role from offerer to answerer after going back to stable state should succeed]
expected: TIMEOUT