[RTCRtpTransceiver-setCodecPreferences.html] [setCodecPreferences() on audio transceiver with codecs returned from RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities('audio') should succeed] expected: FAIL [setCodecPreferences() on video transceiver with codecs returned from RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities('video') should succeed] expected: FAIL [setCodecPreferences() with both sender receiver codecs combined should succeed] expected: FAIL [setCodecPreferences([\]) should succeed] expected: FAIL [setCodecPreferences() with reordered codecs should succeed] expected: FAIL [setCodecPreferences() on audio transceiver with codecs returned from getCapabilities('video') should throw InvalidAccessError] expected: FAIL [setCodecPreferences() with user defined codec should throw InvalidAccessError] expected: FAIL [setCodecPreferences() with user defined codec together with codecs returned from getCapabilities() should throw InvalidAccessError] expected: FAIL [setCodecPreferences() with modified codecs returned from getCapabilities() should throw InvalidAccessError] expected: FAIL