[MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute isolated]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute onisolationchange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute connectionState]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute defaultIceServers]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onicecandidateerror]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onconnectionstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onfingerprintfailure]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: operation addTrack(MediaStreamTrack,MediaStream)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute sctp]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute idpErrorInfo]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnection]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type (14)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection must inherit property "setConfiguration" with the proper type (18)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: calling setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration) on new RTCPeerConnection with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection must inherit property "onicecandidateerror" with the proper type (22)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type (26)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection must inherit property "onfingerprintfailure" with the proper type (27)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: calling generateCertificate(AlgorithmIdentifier) on new RTCPeerConnection with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection must inherit property "sctp" with the proper type (41)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection must inherit property "idpErrorInfo" with the proper type (49)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSessionDescription interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSessionDescription interface: attribute type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSessionDescription interface: attribute sdp]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute candidate]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMid]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMLineIndex]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute foundation]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute priority]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute ip]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute protocol]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute port]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute tcpType]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relatedAddress]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relatedPort]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute ufrag]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate must be primary interface of new RTCIceCandidate]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCIceCandidate]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "candidate" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "sdpMid" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "sdpMLineIndex" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "foundation" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "priority" with the proper type (4)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "ip" with the proper type (5)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "protocol" with the proper type (6)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "port" with the proper type (7)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "type" with the proper type (8)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "tcpType" with the proper type (9)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "relatedAddress" with the proper type (10)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "relatedPort" with the proper type (11)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate must inherit property "ufrag" with the proper type (12)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: attribute url]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent("ice")]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent("ice") must inherit property "url" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute hostCandidate]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute url]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute errorCode]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute errorText]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent("ice-error", { errorCode: 701 });]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent("ice-error", { errorCode: 701 });]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent("ice-error", { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "hostCandidate" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent("ice-error", { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "url" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent("ice-error", { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorCode" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent("ice-error", { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorText" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: attribute fingerprints]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: operation getAlgorithm()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: certificate must inherit property "fingerprints" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: certificate must inherit property "getAlgorithm" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: attribute transport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: attribute rtcpTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: attribute transport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: attribute rtcpTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getParameters()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getContributingSources()]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: existence and properties of interface object]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface object length]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface object name]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: attribute timestamp]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: attribute source]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: attribute audioLevel]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: attribute voiceActivityFlag]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: attribute direction]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setDirection(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setCodecPreferences([object Object\])]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute transport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute state]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: operation getRemoteCertificates()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute onstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute role]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute component]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute state]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute gatheringState]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getLocalCandidates()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getRemoteCandidates()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getSelectedCandidatePair()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getLocalParameters()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getRemoteParameters()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute onstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute ongatheringstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute onselectedcandidatepairchange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCTrackEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCTrackEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute transport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute maxMessageSize]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute label]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute ordered]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute maxPacketLifeTime]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute maxRetransmits]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute protocol]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute negotiated]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute id]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute priority]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute readyState]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute bufferedAmount]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute bufferedAmountLowThreshold]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onopen]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onbufferedamountlow]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onerror]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onclose]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation close()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onmessage]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute binaryType]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation send(USVString)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation send(Blob)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation send(ArrayBuffer)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation send(ArrayBufferView)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannelEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannelEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannelEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFSender interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFSender interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: attribute idp]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: attribute name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: attribute error]
expected: FAIL
[Test driver for asyncInitTransports]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack must inherit property "isolated" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack must inherit property "onisolationchange" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack must be primary interface of generateMediaStreamTrack('audio')]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of generateMediaStreamTrack('audio')]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: generateMediaStreamTrack('audio') must inherit property "isolated" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: generateMediaStreamTrack('audio') must inherit property "onisolationchange" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: operation getDefaultIceServers()]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnection()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type (14)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "setConfiguration" with the proper type (18)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: calling setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration) on new RTCPeerConnection() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onicecandidateerror" with the proper type (22)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type (26)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onfingerprintfailure" with the proper type (27)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "sctp" with the proper type (41)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "idpErrorInfo" with the proper type (49)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute component]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate must be primary interface of new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 })]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 })]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "candidate" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "sdpMid" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "sdpMLineIndex" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "foundation" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "component" with the proper type (4)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "priority" with the proper type (5)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "ip" with the proper type (6)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "protocol" with the proper type (7)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "port" with the proper type (8)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "type" with the proper type (9)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "tcpType" with the proper type (10)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedAddress" with the proper type (11)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedPort" with the proper type (12)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "ufrag" with the proper type (13)]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent('ice')]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent('ice') must inherit property "url" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 });]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 });]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "hostCandidate" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "url" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorCode" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorText" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: operation getFingerprints()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getAlgorithm" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "transport" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "rtcpTransport" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "getCapabilities" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getSynchronizationSources()]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "transport" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "rtcpTransport" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getCapabilities" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters" with the proper type (4)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getContributingSources" with the proper type (5)]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getSynchronizationSources" with the proper type (6)]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: existence and properties of interface object]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface object length]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface object name]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: attribute timestamp]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: attribute source]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: attribute audioLevel]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: attribute voiceActivityFlag]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setDirection" with the proper type (6)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setDirection(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences" with the proper type (8)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setCodecPreferences([object Object\]) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "transport" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCertificates" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.iceTransport]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of idlTestObjects.iceTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "role" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "component" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "gatheringState" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalCandidates" with the proper type (4)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCandidates" with the proper type (5)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getSelectedCandidatePair" with the proper type (6)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalParameters" with the proper type (7)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteParameters" with the proper type (8)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type (9)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "ongatheringstatechange" with the proper type (10)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onselectedcandidatepairchange" with the proper type (11)]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of initTrackEvent()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.sctpTransport]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of idlTestObjects.sctpTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "transport" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "maxMessageSize" with the proper type (1)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel must be primary interface of new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('')]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('')]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "maxPacketLifeTime" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "maxRetransmits" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "negotiated" with the proper type (5)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "priority" with the proper type (7)]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCDataChannelEvent('channel',\n { channel: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') })]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCErrorEvent('error')]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCErrorEvent('error')]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: new RTCErrorEvent('error') must inherit property "error" with the proper type (0)]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack must inherit property "isolated" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack must inherit property "onisolationchange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: generateMediaStreamTrack('audio') must inherit property "isolated" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: generateMediaStreamTrack('audio') must inherit property "onisolationchange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: operation addTrack(MediaStreamTrack, MediaStream)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onicecandidateerror" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onfingerprintfailure" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "sctp" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "idpErrorInfo" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "candidate" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "sdpMid" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "sdpMLineIndex" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "foundation" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "component" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "priority" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "ip" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "protocol" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "port" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "type" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "tcpType" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedAddress" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedPort" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "ufrag" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent('ice') must inherit property "url" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "hostCandidate" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "url" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorCode" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorText" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getAlgorithm()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "transport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "rtcpTransport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "transport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "rtcpTransport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getContributingSources()" with the proper type]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getSynchronizationSources()" with the proper type]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setDirection(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences([object Object\])" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "transport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCertificates()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "role" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "component" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "gatheringState" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalCandidates()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCandidates()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getSelectedCandidatePair()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalParameters()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteParameters()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "ongatheringstatechange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onselectedcandidatepairchange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "transport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "maxMessageSize" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "maxPacketLifeTime" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "maxRetransmits" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "negotiated" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "priority" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: new RTCErrorEvent('error') must inherit property "error" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Test driver for asyncInitTransports]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute isolated]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute onisolationchange]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack must inherit property "isolated" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: idlTestObjects.mediaStreamTrack must inherit property "onisolationchange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack must be primary interface of generateMediaStreamTrack('audio')]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of generateMediaStreamTrack('audio')]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: generateMediaStreamTrack('audio') must inherit property "isolated" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[MediaStreamTrack interface: generateMediaStreamTrack('audio') must inherit property "onisolationchange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute connectionState]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: operation getDefaultIceServers()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onicecandidateerror]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onconnectionstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onfingerprintfailure]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: operation addTrack(MediaStreamTrack, MediaStream)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute sctp]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute idpErrorInfo]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnection()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: calling setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration) on new RTCPeerConnection() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onicecandidateerror" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onfingerprintfailure" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "sctp" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "idpErrorInfo" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSessionDescription interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSessionDescription interface: attribute type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSessionDescription interface: attribute sdp]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute candidate]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMid]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMLineIndex]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute foundation]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute component]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute priority]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute ip]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute protocol]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute port]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute tcpType]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relatedAddress]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relatedPort]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute usernameFragment]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate must be primary interface of new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 })]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 })]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "candidate" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "sdpMid" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "sdpMLineIndex" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "foundation" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "component" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "priority" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "ip" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "protocol" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "port" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "type" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "tcpType" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedAddress" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedPort" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "usernameFragment" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Test toJSON operation of RTCIceCandidate]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: attribute url]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent('ice')]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent('ice') must inherit property "url" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute hostCandidate]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute url]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute errorCode]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute errorText]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 });]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 });]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "hostCandidate" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "url" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorCode" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorText" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: operation getFingerprints()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: operation getAlgorithm()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getAlgorithm()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: attribute transport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: attribute rtcpTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "transport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "rtcpTransport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSender interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: attribute transport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: attribute rtcpTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getParameters()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getContributingSources()]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getSynchronizationSources()]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "transport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "rtcpTransport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getContributingSources()" with the proper type]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getSynchronizationSources()" with the proper type]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: existence and properties of interface object]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface object length]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface object name]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: attribute timestamp]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: attribute source]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpContributingSource interface: attribute audioLevel]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: existence and properties of interface object]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface object length]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface object name]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: attribute timestamp]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: attribute source]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: attribute audioLevel]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpSynchronizationSource interface: attribute voiceActivityFlag]
disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1419900
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: attribute direction]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setDirection(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setCodecPreferences([object Object\])]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setDirection(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setDirection(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences([object Object\])" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setCodecPreferences([object Object\]) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute transport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute state]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: operation getRemoteCertificates()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute onstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "transport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCertificates()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute role]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute component]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute state]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute gatheringState]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getLocalCandidates()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getRemoteCandidates()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getSelectedCandidatePair()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getLocalParameters()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: operation getRemoteParameters()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute onstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute ongatheringstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: attribute onselectedcandidatepairchange]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.iceTransport]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of idlTestObjects.iceTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "role" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "component" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "gatheringState" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalCandidates()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCandidates()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getSelectedCandidatePair()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalParameters()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteParameters()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "ongatheringstatechange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onselectedcandidatepairchange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCTrackEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCTrackEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of initTrackEvent()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute transport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute maxMessageSize]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.sctpTransport]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of idlTestObjects.sctpTransport]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "transport" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "maxMessageSize" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute label]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute ordered]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute maxPacketLifeTime]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute maxRetransmits]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute protocol]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute negotiated]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute id]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute priority]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute readyState]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute bufferedAmount]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute bufferedAmountLowThreshold]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onopen]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onbufferedamountlow]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onerror]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onclose]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation close()]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onmessage]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: attribute binaryType]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation send(USVString)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation send(Blob)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation send(ArrayBuffer)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: operation send(ArrayBufferView)]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel must be primary interface of new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('')]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('')]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "maxPacketLifeTime" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "maxRetransmits" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "negotiated" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "priority" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannelEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannelEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDataChannelEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCDataChannelEvent('channel',\n { channel: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') })]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFSender interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFSender interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: attribute idp]
expected: FAIL
[RTCIdentityAssertion interface: attribute name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: attribute error]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCErrorEvent('error')]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of new RTCErrorEvent('error')]
expected: FAIL
[RTCErrorEvent interface: new RTCErrorEvent('error') must inherit property "error" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL