[animation-worklet-credentials.https.html] [Importing a same-origin script with the default WorkletOptions should omit the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a remote-origin script with the default WorkletOptions should not include the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a same-origin script with credentials=omit should omit the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=omit should omit the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a same-origin script with credentials=same-origin should include the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=same-origin should not include the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a same-origin script with credentials=include should include the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=include should include the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a same-origin script with the default WorkletOptions should not send the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a remote-origin script with the default WorkletOptions should not send the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a same-origin script with credentials=omit should not send the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=omit should not send the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a same-origin script with credentials=same-origin should send the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=same-origin should not send the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a same-origin script with credentials=include should send the credentials] expected: FAIL [Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=include should send the credentials] expected: FAIL