All of these tests require special fonts to be installed. The fonts can be obtained here.
Valid CFF flavored WOFF with no metadata and no private data
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid CFF flavored WOFF with metadata
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-maydisplay)
Valid CFF flavored WOFF with private data
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid CFF flavored WOFF with metadata and private data
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-maydisplay)
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with no metadata and no private data
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with metadata
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-maydisplay)
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with private data
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with metadata and private data
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-maydisplay)
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with simple and composite glyphs
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustProduceOFF)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with different valid representation of the same 255UInt16 encoded number
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustAccept255UInt16)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF that has UIntBase128 numbers with leading zeros
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectInvalidBase128)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF that has UIntBase128 numbers which exceed 232-1
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectInvalidBase128)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF that has UIntBase128 numbers longer than 5 bytes
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectInvalidBase128)
Metadata Expectation: None
The signature field contains XXXX instead of wOFF.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-noMagicNumber-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
The length field contains a value that is four bytes shorter than the actual data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (woff20Header)
Metadata Expectation: None
The length field contains a value that is four bytes longer than the actual data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (woff20Header)
Metadata Expectation: None
The header contains 0 in the numTables field. A table directory and table data are present.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (woff20Header)
Metadata Expectation: None
The reserved field contains 1.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustNotUseReservedValue)
Metadata Expectation: None
The totalSfntSize field contains a too small incorrect value.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustNotRejectIncorrectTotalSize)
Metadata Expectation: None
The totalSfntSize field contains a too big incorrect value.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustNotRejectIncorrectTotalSize)
Metadata Expectation: None
There are four null bytes between the header and the table directory.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-extraneous-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
There are four null bytes between the table directory and the table data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-extraneous-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
There are four null bytes after the table data block and there is no metadata or private data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-extraneous-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
There are four null bytes between the table data and the metadata.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-extraneous-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
There are four null bytes between the table data and the private data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-extraneous-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
There are four null bytes between the metadata and the private data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-extraneous-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
There are four null bytes after the metadata and there is no private data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-extraneous-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
There are four null bytes after the private data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-extraneous-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
The metadata offset is four bytes before the end of the table data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-overlap-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
The private data offset is four bytes before the end of the table data.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-overlap-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
The private data offset is four bytes before the end of the metadata.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-overlap-reject)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF font collection with two pairs of mismatched glyf/loca tables
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustCheckRejectMismatchedTables)
Metadata Expectation: None
There is extraneous data before the last table.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectExtraData)
Metadata Expectation: None
Font table data is compressed with zlib instead of Brotli.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustBeInvalidated-FailDecompress)
Metadata Expectation: None
The original length of the first table in the directory is increased by 1, making the decompressed length of the table data less than the sum of original table lengths.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustBeInvalidated-FailSize)
Metadata Expectation: None
The original length of the first table in the directory is decreased by 1, making the decompressed length of the table data greater than the sum of original table lengths.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustBeInvalidated-FailSize)
Metadata Expectation: None
The transformed length of the glyf table in the directory is increased by 1, making the decompressed length of the table data less than the sum of transformed table lengths.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustBeInvalidated-FailSize)
Metadata Expectation: None
The transformed length of the glyf table in the directory is decreased by 1, making the decompressed length of the table data greater than the sum of transformed table lengths.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustBeInvalidated-FailSize)
Metadata Expectation: None
The transformed loca table contains 4 zero bytes and its transformLength is 4.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectLoca)
Metadata Expectation: None
The origLength of the loca table is 4 bytes less than the calculated size
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectLoca)
Metadata Expectation: None
The origLength of the loca table is 4 bytes more than the calculated size
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectLoca)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with simple composite glyphs where the loca table uses the short format, to check loca reconstruction
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustReconstructLoca)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with a glyph with no explicit bounding box
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustCalculateBBox)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF due to composite glyphs without bounding box
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectNoCompositeBBox)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF due to empty glyph with bounding box
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustRejectNonEmptyBBox)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid CFF flavored WOFF with head table having transform version 1.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustBeRejected-FailTransform)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF with glyf table having transform version 3.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustBeRejected-FailTransform)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with transformed hmtx table.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustAcceptAllTransforms)
Metadata Expectation: None
Valid TTF flavored WOFF with transformed hmtx table and correct flags field.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustCheckLSBFlags)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF with transformed hmtx table with non-zero reserved bits of the flags field.
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustCheckLSBFlags)
Metadata Expectation: None
Invalid TTF flavored WOFF with transformed hmtx table with all flags bits set to 0
SFNT Expectation: Reject (conform-mustCheckLSBFlags)
Metadata Expectation: None
The origLength field of glyf table contains a too small incorrect value.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustNotRejectGlyfSizeMismatch)
Metadata Expectation: None
The origLength field of glyf table contains a too big incorrect value.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-mustNotRejectGlyfSizeMismatch)
Metadata Expectation: None
The file has no metadata.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: None
The file has metadata.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-maydisplay)
The file has no private data.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: None
The file has private data.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-private-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: None
The name table and metadata fields are out of sync. The name table contains FAIL and the metadata contains PASS for unique id, vendor name, vendor url, credit name, credit url, description, license, license url, copyright and trademark.
SFNT Expectation: Display (documentation)
Metadata Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-authoritative)
The metadata is stored in an uncompressed state and therefore does not have the proper compression format.
SFNT Expectation: Display (documentation)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-metadata-alwayscompress)
The metadata decompresses to a length that is 1 byte smaller than the length defined in metaOrigLength
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metaOrigLength)
Metadata Expectation: Reject
The metadata decompresses to a length that is 1 byte greater than the length defined in metaOrigLength
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metaOrigLength)
Metadata Expectation: Reject
The text element in the description element contains an unescaped <.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The text element in the description element contains an unescaped &.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
One element begins with <description> but ends with </mismatch>.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The text element element in the description element is not closed.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The <description> element is closed with <DESCRIPTION>.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The metadata root element occurs twice.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The xml encoding is set to 'VSCACS-GFV-X-CQ34QTAB2Q-IS-NOT-A-VALID-ENCODING'.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The xml encoding is set to UTF-8.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The xml encoding is set to UTF-16.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The xml encoding is set to ISO-8859-1.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The xml encoding is not declared and there is no BOM.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The xml encoding is not declared and there is a UTF-8 BOM.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The xml encoding is not declared and there is a UTF-16 BOM.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The metadata element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The top element is "INVALID" instead of "metadata".
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The metadata element does not contain the required version attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The metadata element version attribute is set to 'ABC'.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The metadata element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The metadata element contains an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The uniqueid element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The uniqueid element doesn't exist.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The uniqueid element occurs twice.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The uniqueid element does not contain the required id attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-metadata-id-required)
The uniqueid element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The uniqueid element contains a child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The uniqueid element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The vendor element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The vendor element does not contain a url attribute but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The vendor element doesn't exist.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The vendor element occurs twice.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The vendor element does not contain the required name attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-metadata-vendor-required)
The vendor element contains ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The vendor element contains rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The vendor element contains INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The vendor element contains "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The vendor element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The vendor element contains a child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The vendor element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credits element matches the schema and it contains one credit child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The credits element matches the schema and it contains two credit child elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The credits element does not contain a credit child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credits element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credits element contains an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credits element contains an content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credits element occurs more than once.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credit element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The credit element does not contain a url attribute but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The credit element does not contain a role attribute but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The credit element does not contain a name attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credit element contains ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The credit element contains rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The credit element contains INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credit element contains "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The credit element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credit element contains a child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The credit element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element does not contain a url attribute but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element matches the schema. It contains one text element that does not have a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element matches the schema. It contains one text element that has a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element matches the schema. It contains one text element that has a language tag using the lang tag instead of xml:lang.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element matches the schema. One text element does not have a language tag. One text element has a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element matches the schema. Two text elements have a language tags.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element occurs more than once.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element does not contain a text child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains a text element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains a text element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element with an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains a text element with an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains a text element that contains a div element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains two div elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains nested div elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains a div element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains a div element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains a div element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains a text element that contains a div element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains a span element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains two span elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains nested span elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains a span element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains a span element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The description element contains a text element that contains a span element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The description element contains a text element that contains a span element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element does not have a url attribute but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element does not have an id attribute but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element matches the schema. It contains one text element that does not have a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element matches the schema. It contains one text element that has a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element matches the schema. It contains one text element that has a language tag using the lang tag instead of xml:lang.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element matches the schema. One text element does not have a language tag. One text element has a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element matches the schema. Two text elements have a language tags.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element occurs more than once.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element does not contain a text child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element contains an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element contains a text element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element contains a text element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element with an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element contains a text element with an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element contains a text element that contains a div element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains two div elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains nested div elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains a div element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains a div element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains a div element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element contains a text element that contains a div element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains a span element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains two span elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains nested span elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains a span element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains a span element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The license element contains a text element that contains a span element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The license element contains a text element that contains a span element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element matches the schema. It contains one text element that does not have a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element matches the schema. It contains one text element that has a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element matches the schema. It contains one text element that has a language tag using the lang tag instead of xml:lang.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element matches the schema. One text element does not have a language tag. One text element has a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element matches the schema. Two text elements have a language tags.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element occurs more than once.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element does not contain a text child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains a text element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains a text element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element with an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains a text element with an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a div element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains nested div elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains two div elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a div element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a div element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a div element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a div element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a span element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains two span elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains nested span elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a span element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a span element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a span element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The copyright element contains a text element that contains a span element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element matches the schema. It contains one text element that does not have a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element matches the schema. It contains one text element that has a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element matches the schema. It contains one text element that has a language tag using the lang tag instead of xml:lang.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element matches the schema. One text element does not have a language tag. One text element has a language tag.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element matches the schema. Two text elements have a language tags.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element occurs more than once.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element does not contain a text child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains a text element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains a text element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element with an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains a text element with an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a div element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains two div elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains nested div elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a div element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a div element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a div element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a div element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a span element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains two span elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains nested span elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a span element with ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a span element with rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a span element with INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The trademark element contains a text element that contains a span element with "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The licensee element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The licensee element occurs more than once.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The licensee element does not contain the required name attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The licensee element has ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The licensee element has rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The licensee element has INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The licensee element has "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The licensee element occures more than once.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The licensee element contains a child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The licensee element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The extension element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
Two extension elements match the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The extension element does not have an id attribute but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The extension element does not have a name child element but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The extension element contains one name element without a lang attribute and another with a lang attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The extension element contains two name elements with lang attributes.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The extension element contains two item child elements.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The extension element does not contain an item child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The extension element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The extension element contains an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The extension element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The name element in the extension element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the extension element contains a xml:lang attribute and it matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the extension element contains a lang attribute and it matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the extension element has ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the extension element has rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the extension element has INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The name element in the extension element has "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the extension element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The name element in the extension element contains a child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The item element in the extension element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The item element in the extension element contains a variety of languages.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The item element in the extension element does not contain an id attribute but it still matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The item element in the extension element contains one name child element with no lang attribute and one with a lang attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The item element in the extension element contains two name child elements with lang attributes.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The item element in the extension element contains one value child element with no lang attribute and one with a lang attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The item element in the extension element contains two value child elements with lang attributes.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The item element in the extension element does not contain a name child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The item element in the extension element does not contain a value child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The item element in the extension element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The item element in the extension element contains an unknown child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The item element in the extension element contains content.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The name element in the item element in the extension element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the item element in the extension element contains a xml:lang attribute and it matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the item element in the extension element contains a lang attribute and it matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the item element in the extension element has ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the item element in the extension element has rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the item element in the extension element has INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The name element in the item element in the extension element has "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the class attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The name element in the item element in the extension element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The name element in the item element in the extension element contains a child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The value element in the item element in the extension element matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The value element in the item element in the extension element contains a xml:lang attribute and it matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The value element in the item element in the extension element contains a lang attribute and it matches the schema.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The value element in the item element in the extension element has ltr as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The value element in the item element in the extension element has rtl as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The value element in the item element in the extension element has INVALID as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The value element in the item element in the extension element has "class1 class2 class3" as the value for the dir attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Display (Metadata)
The value element in the item element in the extension element contains an unknown attribute.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
The value element in the item element in the extension element contains a child element.
SFNT Expectation: Display (conform-metadata-noeffect)
Metadata Expectation: Reject (conform-invalid-mustignore)
Linked fonts are only available to the documents that reference them
SFNT Expectation: Display (General conform-css3font-available)
Metadata Expectation: None