cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.2.2) cmake_policy (SET CMP0048 NEW) # Allow VERSION specifier in project() project (OpenImageIO VERSION 2.1.1 LANGUAGES CXX C) set (PROJ_NAME OIIO) # short name, caps string (TOLOWER ${PROJ_NAME} PROJ_NAME_LOWER) # short name lower case set (PROJECT_VERSION_RELEASE_TYPE "dev") # "dev", "betaX", "RCY", "" set (${PROJECT_NAME}_VERSION_RELEASE_TYPE ${PROJECT_VERSION_RELEASE_TYPE}) set (PROJECT_COPYRIGHTYEARS "2008-2019") set (PROJECT_AUTHORS "Larry Gritz, et al") set (PROJECT_URL "") message (STATUS "CMake version is ${CMAKE_VERSION}") cmake_policy (SET CMP0017 NEW) # Prefer files from the CMake module directory when including from there. cmake_policy (SET CMP0025 NEW) # Detect AppleClang for new CMake cmake_policy (SET CMP0046 OLD) # Don't error on non-existent dependency in add_dependencies. set (CMAKE_ALLOW_LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS TRUE) # Alternate names set (OIIO_VERSION_PATCH ${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}) set (OIIO_VERSION_MINOR ${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}) set (OIIO_VERSION_MAJOR ${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}) set (OIIO_VERSION_RELEASE_TYPE ${PROJECT_VERSION_RELEASE_TYPE}) # N.B./FIXME - after CMake 3.0 is our minimum, we should change many of the # add_definitions to add_compile_options. In newer cmake versions, the # former is designated for definitions (-Dblah) and the latter is for # compile flags (-Wno-foo). if (VERBOSE) message (STATUS "Project source dir = ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}") endif () message (STATUS "Project build dir = ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") message (STATUS "Project install dir = ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") if ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") message (FATAL_ERROR "Not allowed to run in-source build!") endif () if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release") endif () if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") set (DEBUGMODE ON) endif () option (CMAKE_USE_FOLDERS "Use the FOLDER target property to organize targets into folders." ON) mark_as_advanced (CMAKE_USE_FOLDERS) if (CMAKE_USE_FOLDERS) set_property (GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) endif () include (GNUInstallDirs) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/cmake/modules" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/cmake") include (oiio_macros) include (platform) include (compiler) # All the C++ and compiler related options live here option (VERBOSE "Print lots of messages while compiling" OFF) set (${PROJ_NAME}_NAMESPACE ${PROJECT_NAME} CACHE STRING "Customized outer namespace base name (version will be added)") option (EMBEDPLUGINS "Embed format plugins in libOpenImageIO" ON) option (OIIO_BUILD_TOOLS "Build the command-line tools" ON) option (OIIO_BUILD_TESTS "Build the unit tests" ON) option (USE_OPENGL "Include OpenGL support" ON) option (USE_QT "Include Qt support" ON) option (USE_PYTHON "Build the Python bindings" ON) if (NOT "$ENV{OIIO_PYTHON_VERSION}" STREQUAL "") set (PYTHON_VERSION "$ENV{OIIO_PYTHON_VERSION}" CACHE STRING "Target version of python to find") else() set (PYTHON_VERSION "2.7" CACHE STRING "Target version of python to find") endif() option (PYLIB_INCLUDE_SONAME "If ON, soname/soversion will be set for Python module library" OFF) option (PYLIB_LIB_PREFIX "If ON, prefix the Python module with 'lib'" OFF) set (PYMODULE_SUFFIX "" CACHE STRING "Suffix to add to Python module init namespace") option (USE_FIELD3D "Use Field3D if found" ON) option (USE_OPENVDB "Use OpenVDB if found" ON) set (OPENVDB_ROOT_DIR "" CACHE STRING "Custom OpenVDB path") option (USE_TBB "Use Intel TBB if found" ON) set (TBB_ROOT_DIR "" CACHE STRING "Custom Intel TBB path") option (USE_FFMPEG "Use FFmpeg if found" ON) set (JPEG_PATH "" CACHE STRING "Custom JPEG path") option (USE_JPEGTURBO "Use JPEG-Turbo if found" ON) set (JPEGTURBO_PATH "" CACHE STRING "Custom JPEG-Turbo path") option (USE_OPENJPEG "Use OpenJpeg if found" ON) option (USE_OCIO "Use OpenColorIO for color management if found" ON) option (USE_OPENCV "Use OpenCV if found" ON) option (USE_FREETYPE "Use Freetype if found" ON) option (USE_GIF "Use GIF if found" ON) option (USE_PTEX "Use PTex if found" ON) option (USE_WEBP "Use WebP if found" ON) option (USE_LIBRAW "Use LibRaw if found" ON) set (LIBRAW_PATH "" CACHE STRING "Custom LibRaw path") option (OIIO_THREAD_ALLOW_DCLP "OIIO threads may use DCLP for speed" ON) option (USE_NUKE "Build Nuke plugins, if Nuke is found" ON) set (Nuke_ROOT "" CACHE STRING "Where to find Nuke installation") set (NUKE_VERSION 7.0) set (USE_EXTERNAL_PUGIXML OFF CACHE BOOL "Use an externally built shared library version of the pugixml library") set (PUGIXML_HOME "" CACHE STRING "Hint about where to find external PugiXML library") option (USE_DICOM "Use DICOM if DCMTK is found" ON) option (USE_HEIF "Support HEIC/HEIF files, if libheif is found)" ON) set (TEX_BATCH_SIZE "" CACHE STRING "Force TextureSystem SIMD batch size (e.g. 16)") set (SOVERSION ${OIIO_VERSION_MAJOR}.${OIIO_VERSION_MINOR} CACHE STRING "Set the SO version in the SO name of the output library") set (OIIO_LIBNAME_SUFFIX "" CACHE STRING "Optional name appended to ${PROJECT_NAME} libraries that are built") option (BUILD_OIIOUTIL_ONLY "If ON, will build *only* libOpenImageIO_Util" OFF) option (BUILD_DOCS "If ON, build documentation and man pages." ON) option (INSTALL_DOCS "If ON, install documentation and man pages." ON) option (INSTALL_FONTS "If ON, install default fonts" ON) option (INSTALL_CMAKE_HELPER "If On, install FindOpenImageIO.cmake" ON) set (PLUGIN_SEARCH_PATH "" CACHE STRING "Default plugin search path") set(OIIO_TESTSUITE_IMAGEDIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.." CACHE STRING "Location of oiio-images, openexr-images, libtiffpic, etc.." ) if (NOT OIIO_THREAD_ALLOW_DCLP) add_definitions ("-DOIIO_THREAD_ALLOW_DCLP=0") endif () if (TEX_BATCH_SIZE) add_definitions ("-DOIIO_TEXTURE_SIMD_BATCH_WIDTH=${TEX_BATCH_SIZE}") endif () # Set the default namespace set (PROJ_NAMESPACE "${${PROJ_NAME}_NAMESPACE}") set (PROJ_NAMESPACE_V "${PROJ_NAMESPACE}_v${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}_${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}") message(STATUS "Setting Namespace to: ${PROJ_NAMESPACE_V}") include (externalpackages) include (install) include_directories ( BEFORE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/include" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include" ) # We want CTest for testing # N.B. This needs to be added before any of the subdirectories, or # their add_test commands will not register. include (CTest) # Tell CMake to process the sub-directories add_subdirectory (src/libutil) find_or_download_robin_map () # Add IO plugin directories -- if we are embedding plugins, we need to visit # these directories BEFORE the OpenImageIO target is established (in # src/libOpenImageIO). For each plugin, we append to the lists of source # files, format libs, include directories, and definitions, all of which # will be used by src/libOpenImageIO. set (libOpenImageIO_srcs "") set (format_plugin_libs "") set (format_plugin_include_dirs "") set (format_plugin_definitions "") file (GLOB all_format_plugin_dirs src/*.imageio) if ("${OIIO_SITE}" STREQUAL "SPI") # SPI only -- because of a workaround for a very weird linkage issue # specific to our system, we need to be sure libtiff is referenced first. file (GLOB tiff_format_plugin_dir src/tiff.imageio) list (REMOVE_ITEM all_format_plugin_dirs ${tiff_format_plugin_dir}) list (INSERT all_format_plugin_dirs 0 ${tiff_format_plugin_dir}) endif () if (EMBEDPLUGINS AND NOT BUILD_OIIOUTIL_ONLY) foreach (plugin_dir ${all_format_plugin_dirs}) add_subdirectory (${plugin_dir}) endforeach () endif () if (NOT BUILD_OIIOUTIL_ONLY) add_subdirectory (src/libOpenImageIO) endif () if (OIIO_BUILD_TOOLS AND NOT BUILD_OIIOUTIL_ONLY) add_subdirectory (src/iconvert) add_subdirectory (src/idiff) add_subdirectory (src/igrep) add_subdirectory (src/iinfo) add_subdirectory (src/maketx) add_subdirectory (src/oiiotool) add_subdirectory (src/testtex) add_subdirectory (src/iv) endif () # Add IO plugin directories -- if we are not embedding plugins, we need to # do it AFTER the OpenImageIO target is established (in src/libOpenImageIO), # since each plugin needs libOpenImageIO to be a dependency. if (NOT EMBEDPLUGINS AND NOT BUILD_OIIOUTIL_ONLY) foreach (plugin_dir ${all_format_plugin_dirs}) add_subdirectory (${plugin_dir}) endforeach () endif () if (USE_PYTHON AND NOT BUILD_OIIOUTIL_ONLY) find_or_download_pybind11 () add_subdirectory (src/python) endif () add_subdirectory (src/include) if (BUILD_DOCS) add_subdirectory (src/doc) endif () add_subdirectory (src/fonts) add_subdirectory (src/nuke) # install pkgconfig file IF ( NOT WIN32 ) configure_file(src/build-scripts/ "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/OpenImageIO.pc" @ONLY) install (FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/OpenImageIO.pc" DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig COMPONENT developer) ENDIF() # Oddball: install the FindOpenImageIO.cmake file install (FILES src/cmake/modules/FindOpenImageIO.cmake DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/cmake/Modules COMPONENT cmake) ######################################################################### # Testing # # Just call oiio_add_tests(testname...) for each test. Additional # optional arguments include: # FOUNDVAR specifies the name of a CMAKE variable; if not defined, # the test will not be added for 'make test' (helpful # for excluding tests for libraries not found). # IMAGEDIR specifies a directory for test images, one level higher # than where the oiio top level source lives -- a # message will be printed if not found. # URL URL where the test images can be found, will be # incorporated into the error message if the test # image directory is not found. # LABEL If set to "broken", will designate the test as one # that is known to be broken, so will only be run # for "make testall", but not "make test". # # Make a build/platform/testsuite directory, and copy the master # there. The rest is up to the tests themselves. file (MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/testsuite") add_custom_command (OUTPUT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/testsuite/" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/testsuite/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/testsuite/" MAIN_DEPENDENCY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/testsuite/") add_custom_target ( CopyFiles ALL DEPENDS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/testsuite/" ) # Basic tests that apply even to continuous integration tests: # Tests that require oiio-images: oiio_add_tests (gpsread oiiotool oiiotool-attribs oiiotool-readerror oiiotool-xform oiiotool-fixnan ## maketx & oiiotool-maketx depend on this maketx oiiotool-maketx misnamed-file missingcolor dpx ico iff png psd rla sgi zfile texture-interp-bicubic texture-blurtube texture-crop texture-cropover texture-derivs texture-fill texture-filtersize texture-flipt texture-gettexels texture-gray texture-mip-nomip texture-mip-trilinear texture-overscan texture-pointsample texture-uint8 texture-width0blur texture-fat texture-skinny texture-wrapfill texture-missing texture-res texture-maxres texture-udim texture-udim2 IMAGEDIR oiio-images ) # Tests that require openexr-images: oiio_add_tests (oiiotool-deep IMAGEDIR openexr-images ) # Remaining freestanding tests: oiio_add_tests (nonwhole-tiles oiiotool-composite oiiotool-copy oiiotool-pattern oiiotool-subimage oiiotool-text diff dither dup-channels jpeg-corrupt null psd-colormodes rational ) # Travis + old libjpeg seems to not catch an error in this test, skip it # for that case. if (JPEG_TURBO_FOUND OR NOT DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS}) oiio_add_tests (jpeg-corrupt-header) endif() # Add tests that require the Python bindings if we built the Python # bindings. This is mostly the test that are specifically about testing # the Python bindings themselves, but also a handful of tests that are # mainly about other things but happen to use Python in order to perform # thee test. # We also exclude these tests if this is a sanitizer build on Linux, # because the Python interpreter itself won't be linked with the right asan # libraries to run correctly. if (USE_PYTHON AND NOT BUILD_OIIOUTIL_ONLY) if (NOT SANITIZE_ON_LINUX) oiio_add_tests ( python-typedesc python-paramlist python-imagespec python-roi python-deep python-imageinput python-imageoutput python-imagebuf python-imagebufalgo IMAGEDIR oiio-images ) endif () endif () # Add tests that require OCIO if (USE_OCIO AND OCIO_FOUND) oiio_add_tests (oiiotool-color) endif () # Advanced tests that are done by hand and for releases: # FIXME -- at some point, try to fix these or provide new ref images if (NOT DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS}) oiio_add_tests ( texture-half texture-uint16 texture-interp-bilinear texture-interp-closest texture-mip-onelevel ) endif () if (NOT DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS} AND NOT DEFINED ENV{CIRCLECI}) oiio_add_tests (texture-icwrite ) endif () # List testsuites which need special external reference images from the web # here: oiio_add_tests (bmp IMAGEDIR bmpsuite URL oiio_add_tests (tiff-suite tiff-depths tiff-misc IMAGEDIR libtiffpic URL oiio_add_tests (openexr-suite openexr-multires openexr-chroma openexr-v2 perchannel IMAGEDIR openexr-images URL oiio_add_tests (gif FOUNDVAR GIF_FOUND IMAGEDIR oiio-images URL "Recent checkout of oiio-images") oiio_add_tests (jpeg2000 FOUNDVAR OPENJPEG_FOUND IMAGEDIR j2kp4files_v1_5 URL oiio_add_tests (pnm IMAGEDIR oiio-images/pnm URL "Recent checkout of oiio-images") oiio_add_tests (raw FOUNDVAR LIBRAW_FOUND IMAGEDIR oiio-images/raw URL "Recent checkout of oiio-images") oiio_add_tests (targa-tgautils IMAGEDIR TGAUTILS URL oiio_add_tests (fits IMAGEDIR fits-images URL oiio_add_tests (heif FOUNDVAR LIBHEIF_FOUND URL oiio_add_tests (webp FOUNDVAR WEBP_FOUND IMAGEDIR oiio-images/webp URL "Recent checkout of oiio-images") oiio_add_tests (ptex FOUNDVAR PTEX_FOUND) oiio_add_tests (texture-field3d field3d FOUNDVAR FIELD3D_FOUND) oiio_add_tests (openvdb FOUNDVAR OPENVDB_FOUND) if (SPI_TESTS) oiio_add_tests (oiiotool-spi FOUNDVAR SPI_TESTS IMAGEDIR spi-oiio-tests URL "noplace -- it's SPI specific tests") endif () ######################################################################### # Packaging set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}) # "Vendor" is only used in copyright notices, so we use the same thing that # the rest of the copyright notices say. set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR ${PROJECT_AUTHORS}) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "OpenImageIO is an open source library for reading and writing image file formats, a nice format-agnostic image viewer, and other image-related classes and utilities.") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/doc/Description.txt") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}-${platform}) #SET (CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}") file (MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cpack") file (COPY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cpack") file (RENAME "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cpack/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cpack/License.txt") set (CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cpack/License.txt") file (COPY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cpack") set (CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_README "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cpack/") set (CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_WELCOME "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/doc/Welcome.txt") #SET (CPACK_STRIP_FILES Do we need this?) if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux") set (CPACK_GENERATOR "TGZ;STGZ;RPM;DEB") set (CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "TGZ") endif () if (APPLE) set (CPACK_GENERATOR "TGZ;STGZ;PackageMaker") set (CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "TGZ") endif () if (WIN32) set (CPACK_GENERATOR "NSIS") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES "iv" "iv - Image Viewer") # set(CPACK_CREATE_DESCTOP_LINKS "iv" "iv - Image Viewer") set(CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH ON) include (InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) endif () set (CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}-source) #set (CPACK_SOURCE_STRIP_FILES Do we need this?) set (CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES ".*~") set (CPACK_COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED_HIDDEN TRUE) set (CPACK_COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED_REQUIRED TRUE) set (CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL user developer documentation Unspecified) set (CPACK_COMPONENT_USER_DISPLAY_NAME "Applications") set (CPACK_COMPONENT_DEVELOPER_DISPLAY_NAME "Developer files") set (CPACK_COMPONENT_DOCUMENTATION_DISPLAY_NAME "Documentation") set (CPACK_COMPONENT_USER_DESCRIPTION "Applications: oiotool, iv, iinfo, iconvert, idiff, igrep, maketx and libraries") set (CPACK_COMPONENT_DEVELOPER_DESCRIPTION "Include files") set (CPACK_COMPONENT_DOCUMENTATION_DESCRIPTION "OpenImageIO documentation") set (CPACK_COMPONENT_DEVELOPER_DEPENDS user) include (CPack)