# Make the build complete for newer ffmpeg versions (3.1.1+) that have # marked m_format_context->streams[i]->codec as deprecated. # FIXME -- at some point, come back and figure out how to fix for real # before the field disappears entirely. if (NOT MSVC) set_source_files_properties (ffmpeginput.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-deprecated-declarations") endif() if (USE_FFMPEG AND FFMPEG_FOUND) add_oiio_plugin (ffmpeginput.cpp INCLUDE_DIRS ${FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR} LINK_LIBRARIES ${FFMPEG_LIBRARIES} ${BZIP2_LIBRARIES} DEFINITIONS "-DUSE_FFMPEG") else() message (STATUS "FFmpeg not found: ffmpeg plugin will not be built") endif()