0 0,0,0 59136 1,.5,.5 6400 0,1,0 0 < 0,0,0 6400 > 1,0.9,1 59136 within range Reading chname.exr chname.exr : 38 x 38, 5 channel, float openexr SHA-1: 6EB25E53358BF3ECDFECD04F662D335DE647A1A6 channel list: Red, G, B, A, Depth full/display size: 40 x 40 full/display origin: 0, 0 compression: "zips" nuke/node_hash: "" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 screenWindowCenter: 0, 0 screenWindowWidth: 1 oiio:ColorSpace: "Linear" Reading allhalf.exr allhalf.exr : 38 x 38, 5 channel, half openexr SHA-1: 1C71682E8D8F6DCDC2A7A7B23842DFEEC51438F2 channel list: R, G, B, A, Z full/display size: 40 x 40 full/display origin: 0, 0 compression: "zips" nuke/node_hash: "" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 screenWindowCenter: 0, 0 screenWindowWidth: 1 oiio:ColorSpace: "Linear" Reading rgbahalf-zfloat.exr rgbahalf-zfloat.exr : 38 x 38, 5 channel, half/half/half/half/float openexr SHA-1: 9324AFD44451321A8D87E09F656C7B86E827E5CD channel list: R (half), G (half), B (half), A (half), Z (float) full/display size: 40 x 40 full/display origin: 0, 0 compression: "zips" nuke/node_hash: "" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 screenWindowCenter: 0, 0 screenWindowWidth: 1 oiio:ColorSpace: "Linear" copyA.0001.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0002.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0003.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0004.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0005.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0006.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0007.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0008.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0009.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg copyA.0010.jpg : 128 x 96, 3 channel, uint8 jpeg Sequence 1-5: 1 Sequence 1-5: 2 Sequence 1-5: 3 Sequence 1-5: 4 Sequence 1-5: 5 Sequence -5-5: -5 Sequence -5-5: -4 Sequence -5-5: -3 Sequence -5-5: -2 Sequence -5-5: -1 Sequence -5-5: 0 Sequence -5-5: 1 Sequence -5-5: 2 Sequence -5-5: 3 Sequence -5-5: 4 Sequence -5-5: 5 Sequence -5--2: -5 Sequence -5--2: -4 Sequence -5--2: -3 Sequence -5--2: -2 xyz should say xyz timecode is 01:02:03:04 2 {3+4} 4 Reading black.tif oiio:DebugOpenConfig!: 42 Reading add_rgb_rgba.exr add_rgb_rgba.exr : 64 x 64, 4 channel, float openexr SHA-1: 9CCAC57A0A0D45F40EF14337A95207094D008E02 channel list: R, G, B, A compression: "zip" PixelAspectRatio: 1 screenWindowCenter: 0, 0 screenWindowWidth: 1 oiio:ColorSpace: "Linear" Comparing "filled.tif" and "ref/filled.tif" PASS Comparing "autotrim.tif" and "ref/autotrim.tif" PASS Comparing "histogram_regular.tif" and "ref/histogram_regular.tif" PASS Comparing "histogram_cumulative.tif" and "ref/histogram_cumulative.tif" PASS Comparing "crop.tif" and "ref/crop.tif" PASS Comparing "cut.tif" and "ref/cut.tif" PASS Comparing "pasted.tif" and "ref/pasted.tif" PASS Comparing "mosaic.tif" and "ref/mosaic.tif" PASS Comparing "trim.tif" and "ref/trim.tif" PASS Comparing "trimsubimages.tif" and "ref/trimsubimages.tif" PASS Comparing "chanshuffle.tif" and "ref/chanshuffle.tif" PASS Comparing "ch-rgba.exr" and "ref/ch-rgba.exr" PASS Comparing "ch-z.exr" and "ref/ch-z.exr" PASS Comparing "chappend-rgbaz.exr" and "ref/chappend-rgbaz.exr" PASS Comparing "chname.exr" and "ref/chname.exr" PASS Comparing "add.exr" and "ref/add.exr" PASS Comparing "cadd1.exr" and "ref/cadd1.exr" PASS Comparing "cadd2.exr" and "ref/cadd2.exr" PASS Comparing "sub.exr" and "ref/sub.exr" PASS Comparing "subc.exr" and "ref/subc.exr" PASS Comparing "mul.exr" and "ref/mul.exr" PASS Comparing "cmul1.exr" and "ref/cmul1.exr" PASS Comparing "cmul2.exr" and "ref/cmul2.exr" PASS Comparing "div.exr" and "ref/div.exr" PASS Comparing "divc1.exr" and "ref/divc1.exr" PASS Comparing "divc2.exr" and "ref/divc2.exr" PASS Comparing "mad.exr" and "ref/mad.exr" PASS Comparing "invert.tif" and "ref/invert.tif" PASS Comparing "cpow1.exr" and "ref/cpow1.exr" PASS Comparing "cpow2.exr" and "ref/cpow2.exr" PASS Comparing "abs.exr" and "ref/abs.exr" PASS Comparing "absdiff.exr" and "ref/absdiff.exr" PASS Comparing "absdiffc.exr" and "ref/absdiffc.exr" PASS Comparing "chsum.tif" and "ref/chsum.tif" PASS Comparing "rgbahalf-zfloat.exr" and "ref/rgbahalf-zfloat.exr" PASS Comparing "tahoe-filled.tif" and "ref/tahoe-filled.tif" PASS Comparing "growholes.tif" and "ref/growholes.tif" PASS Comparing "rangecompress.tif" and "ref/rangecompress.tif" PASS Comparing "rangeexpand.tif" and "ref/rangeexpand.tif" PASS Comparing "rangecompress-luma.tif" and "ref/rangecompress-luma.tif" PASS Comparing "rangeexpand-luma.tif" and "ref/rangeexpand-luma.tif" PASS Comparing "grid-clamped.tif" and "ref/grid-clamped.tif" PASS Comparing "bsplinekernel.exr" and "ref/bsplinekernel.exr" PASS Comparing "bspline-blur.tif" and "ref/bspline-blur.tif" PASS Comparing "gauss5x5-blur.tif" and "ref/gauss5x5-blur.tif" PASS Comparing "tahoe-median.tif" and "ref/tahoe-median.tif" PASS Comparing "dilate.tif" and "ref/dilate.tif" PASS Comparing "erode.tif" and "ref/erode.tif" PASS Comparing "unsharp.tif" and "ref/unsharp.tif" PASS Comparing "unsharp-median.tif" and "ref/unsharp-median.tif" PASS Comparing "tahoe-laplacian.tif" and "ref/tahoe-laplacian.tif" PASS Comparing "fft.exr" and "ref/fft.exr" PASS Comparing "ifft.exr" and "ref/ifft.exr" PASS Comparing "polar.exr" and "ref/polar.exr" PASS Comparing "unpolar.exr" and "ref/unpolar.exr" PASS Comparing "labeladd.exr" and "ref/labeladd.exr" PASS Comparing "exprgradient.tif" and "ref/exprgradient.tif" PASS Comparing "exprcropped.tif" and "ref/exprcropped.tif" PASS Comparing "exprstrcatlzw.tif" and "ref/exprstrcatlzw.tif" PASS Comparing "tahoe-contraststretch.tif" and "ref/tahoe-contraststretch.tif" PASS Comparing "const5-rgb.tif" and "ref/const5-rgb.tif" PASS