../../../../../oiio-images/raw/RAW_CANON_EOS_7D.CR2 : 5202 x 3465, 3 channel, uint16 raw channel list: R, G, B Artist: "" Copyright: "" DateTime: "2009-10-09 14:18:45" ExposureTime: 0.003125 FNumber: 2.8 Make: "Canon" Model: "EOS 7D" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 ResolutionUnit: 2 (inches) Software: "Firmware Version 1.0.7" XResolution: 72/1 (72) YResolution: 72/1 (72) Canon:AEBBracketValue: 1 Canon:AFPoint: 0 Canon:AFPointsInFocus: 0 Canon:AutoExposureBracketing: 0 (off) Canon:AutoISO: 0 Canon:AutoRotate: -1 (n/a) Canon:BaseISO: 160 Canon:BlackMaskBottomBorder: 0 Canon:BlackMaskLeftBorder: 0 Canon:BlackMaskRightBorder: 0 Canon:BlackMaskTopBorder: 0 Canon:BulbDuration: 0 Canon:CameraISO: 32767 Canon:CameraTemperature: 155 Canon:CameraType: 248 (EOS High-end) Canon:ColorTone: 0 Canon:ContinuousDrive: 0 (single) Canon:Contrast: 0 Canon:ControlMode: 0 (n/a) Canon:CropInfo: 0, 0, 0, 0 Canon:CustomPictureStyleFileName: "" Canon:DigitalZoom: 0 (none) Canon:DisplayAperture: 0 Canon:EasyMode: 1 (Manual) Canon:ExposureComp: 0 Canon:ExposureCompensation: 0 Canon:ExposureMode: 3 (Aperture-priority AE) Canon:ExposureTime: 133 Canon:FirmwareVersion: "Firmware Version 1.0.7" Canon:FlashActivity: 0 Canon:FlashBits: 0 (none) Canon:FlashExposureComp: 0 Canon:FlashGuideNumber: 0 Canon:FlashMode: 0 (off) Canon:FlashOutput: 0 Canon:FNumber: 268 Canon:FocalLength: 200 Canon:FocalPlaneXSize: 11675 Canon:FocalPlaneYSize: 19690 Canon:FocalType: 0 Canon:FocalUnits: 1 Canon:FocusDistanceLower: 96 Canon:FocusDistanceUpper: 0 Canon:FocusMode: 0 (one-shot AF) Canon:FocusRange: 2 (not known) Canon:ImageType: "Canon EOS 7D" Canon:LensModel: "EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM" Canon:LensType: 224 Canon:MacroMode: 2 (normal) Canon:ManualFlashOutput: 0 (n/a) Canon:MaxAperture: 96 Canon:MaxFocalLength: 200 Canon:MeasuredEV: 204 Canon:MeasuredEV2: 0 Canon:MeteringMode: 3 (evaluative) Canon:MinAperture: 320 Canon:MinFocalLength: 70 Canon:ModelID: 2147484240 (OS 7D) Canon:NDFilter: -1 (n/a) Canon:OpticalZoomCode: 8 Canon:OwnerName: "" Canon:Quality: 4 (RAW) Canon:RecordMode: 6 (CR2) Canon:Saturation: 0 Canon:SelfTimer: 0 Canon:SelfTimer2: -1 Canon:SensorBottomBorder: 3511 Canon:SensorHeight: 3516 Canon:SensorLeftBorder: 168 Canon:SensorRightBorder: 5351 Canon:SensorTopBorder: 56 Canon:SensorWidth: 5360 Canon:SequenceNumber: 0 Canon:SerialNumber: 230101900 Canon:SerialNumberFormat: 2684354560 Canon:Sharpness: 32767 Canon:SlowShutter: 3 (none) Canon:SRAWQuality: 0 (n/a) Canon:TargetAperture: 96 Canon:TargetExposureTime: 268 Canon:ThumbnailImageValidArea: 0, 159, 7, 112 Canon:WhiteBalance: 0 (Auto) Canon:ZoomSourceWidth: 0 Canon:ZoomTargetWidth: 0 Exif:ApertureValue: 2.97085 (f/2.8) Exif:ColorSpace: 1 Exif:CustomRendered: 0 (no) Exif:DateTimeDigitized: "2009:10:09 14:18:45" Exif:DateTimeOriginal: "2009:10:09 14:18:45" Exif:ExifVersion: "" Exif:ExposureBiasValue: 0/1 (0) Exif:ExposureMode: 0 (auto) Exif:ExposureProgram: 3 (aperture priority) Exif:Flash: 16 (no flash, flash supression) Exif:FlashPixVersion: "" Exif:FocalLength: 200 (200 mm) Exif:FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: 2 (inches) Exif:FocalPlaneXResolution: 5184000/907 (5715.55) Exif:FocalPlaneYResolution: 3456000/595 (5808.4) Exif:ISOSpeedRatings: 100 Exif:MeteringMode: 5 (pattern) Exif:PhotographicSensitivity: 100 Exif:PixelXDimension: 5184 Exif:PixelYDimension: 3456 Exif:SceneCaptureType: 0 (standard) Exif:ShutterSpeedValue: 8.32193 (1/319 s) Exif:SubsecTime: "00" Exif:SubsecTimeDigitized: "00" Exif:SubsecTimeOriginal: "00" Exif:WhiteBalance: 0 (auto) oiio:ColorSpace: "sRGB" raw:Demosaic: "AHD" ../../../../../oiio-images/raw/RAW_NIKON_D3X.NEF : 4044 x 6080, 3 channel, uint16 raw channel list: R, G, B Artist: " " Copyright: " " DateTime: "2008-12-01 14:52:13" ExposureTime: 0.02 FNumber: 5.6 Make: "Nikon" Model: "D3X" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 ResolutionUnit: 2 (inches) Software: "Ver.1.00 " XResolution: 738263040/16777216 (44.0039) YResolution: 738263040/16777216 (44.0039) Exif:ApertureValue: 4.97085 (f/5.6) Exif:Contrast: 0 (normal) Exif:CustomRendered: 0 (no) Exif:DateTimeDigitized: "2008:12:01 14:52:13" Exif:DateTimeOriginal: "2008:12:01 14:52:13" Exif:DigitalZoomRatio: 16777216/16777216 (1) Exif:ExposureBiasValue: 0/100663296 (0) Exif:ExposureMode: 0 (auto) Exif:ExposureProgram: 3 (aperture priority) Exif:Flash: 0 (no flash) Exif:FocalLength: 70 (70 mm) Exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 70 Exif:GainControl: 0 (none) Exif:ISOSpeedRatings: 100 Exif:LightSource: 0 (unknown) Exif:MaxApertureValue: 503316480/167772160 (3) Exif:MeteringMode: 5 (pattern) Exif:PhotographicSensitivity: 100 Exif:Saturation: 0 (normal) Exif:SceneCaptureType: 0 (standard) Exif:SensingMethod: 2 (1-chip color area) Exif:Sharpness: 0 (normal) Exif:ShutterSpeedValue: 5.64386 (1/49 s) Exif:SubjectDistanceRange: 0 (unknown) Exif:SubsecTime: "00" Exif:SubsecTimeDigitized: "00" Exif:SubsecTimeOriginal: "00" Exif:WhiteBalance: 1 (manual) Exif:YCbCrPositioning: 2 oiio:ColorSpace: "sRGB" oiio:MakerNoteOffset: 0 raw:Demosaic: "AHD" raw:Orientation: 8 ../../../../../oiio-images/raw/RAW_FUJI_F700.RAF : 2035 x 1533, 3 channel, uint16 raw channel list: R, G, B Copyright: " " DateTime: "2007-01-06 14:20:22" ExposureTime: 0.00125 FNumber: 3.6 Make: "Fujifilm" Model: "F700" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 ResolutionUnit: 2 (inches) Software: "Digital Camera FinePix F700 Ver2.00" XResolution: 72/1 (72) YResolution: 72/1 (72) Exif:ApertureValue: 3.69599 (f/3.6) Exif:BrightnessValue: 773/100 (7.73) Exif:ColorSpace: 1 Exif:CompressedBitsPerPixel: 30/10 (3) Exif:CustomRendered: 0 (no) Exif:DateTimeDigitized: "2007:01:06 14:20:22" Exif:DateTimeOriginal: "2007:01:06 14:20:22" Exif:ExifVersion: "" Exif:ExposureBiasValue: 0/100 (0) Exif:ExposureMode: 0 (auto) Exif:ExposureProgram: 4 (shutter priority) Exif:Flash: 9 (flash fired, compulsary flash) Exif:FlashPixVersion: "" Exif:FocalLength: 8.5 (8.5 mm) Exif:FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: 3 (cm) Exif:FocalPlaneXResolution: 1693/1 (1693) Exif:FocalPlaneYResolution: 1693/1 (1693) Exif:ISOSpeedRatings: 200 Exif:LightSource: 0 (unknown) Exif:MaxApertureValue: 300/100 (3) Exif:MeteringMode: 5 (pattern) Exif:PhotographicSensitivity: 200 Exif:PixelXDimension: 1280 Exif:PixelYDimension: 960 Exif:SceneCaptureType: 0 (standard) Exif:SensingMethod: 2 (1-chip color area) Exif:Sharpness: 0 (normal) Exif:ShutterSpeedValue: 9.64386 (1/799 s) Exif:SubjectDistanceRange: 0 (unknown) Exif:WhiteBalance: 0 (auto) Exif:YCbCrPositioning: 2 oiio:ColorSpace: "sRGB" oiio:MakerNoteOffset: 0 raw:Demosaic: "AHD" ../../../../../oiio-images/raw/RAW_NIKON_D3X.NEF : 4044 x 6080, 3 channel, uint16 raw channel list: R, G, B Artist: " " Copyright: " " DateTime: "2008-12-01 14:52:13" ExposureTime: 0.02 FNumber: 5.6 Make: "Nikon" Model: "D3X" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 ResolutionUnit: 2 (inches) Software: "Ver.1.00 " XResolution: 738263040/16777216 (44.0039) YResolution: 738263040/16777216 (44.0039) Exif:ApertureValue: 4.97085 (f/5.6) Exif:Contrast: 0 (normal) Exif:CustomRendered: 0 (no) Exif:DateTimeDigitized: "2008:12:01 14:52:13" Exif:DateTimeOriginal: "2008:12:01 14:52:13" Exif:DigitalZoomRatio: 16777216/16777216 (1) Exif:ExposureBiasValue: 0/100663296 (0) Exif:ExposureMode: 0 (auto) Exif:ExposureProgram: 3 (aperture priority) Exif:Flash: 0 (no flash) Exif:FocalLength: 70 (70 mm) Exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 70 Exif:GainControl: 0 (none) Exif:ISOSpeedRatings: 100 Exif:LightSource: 0 (unknown) Exif:MaxApertureValue: 503316480/167772160 (3) Exif:MeteringMode: 5 (pattern) Exif:PhotographicSensitivity: 100 Exif:Saturation: 0 (normal) Exif:SceneCaptureType: 0 (standard) Exif:SensingMethod: 2 (1-chip color area) Exif:Sharpness: 0 (normal) Exif:ShutterSpeedValue: 5.64386 (1/49 s) Exif:SubjectDistanceRange: 0 (unknown) Exif:SubsecTime: "00" Exif:SubsecTimeDigitized: "00" Exif:SubsecTimeOriginal: "00" Exif:WhiteBalance: 1 (manual) Exif:YCbCrPositioning: 2 oiio:ColorSpace: "sRGB" oiio:MakerNoteOffset: 0 raw:Demosaic: "AHD" raw:Orientation: 8 ../../../../../oiio-images/raw/RAW_OLYMPUS_E3.ORF : 3720 x 2800, 3 channel, uint16 raw channel list: R, G, B DateTime: "2008-12-19 12:29:40" ExposureTime: 0.003125 FNumber: 2 ImageDescription: "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA " Make: "Olympus" Model: "E-3" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 ResolutionUnit: 2 (inches) Software: "Version 1.0 " XResolution: 314/1 (314) YResolution: 314/1 (314) Exif:ApertureValue: 2 (f/2.0) Exif:ColorSpace: 1 Exif:Contrast: 0 (normal) Exif:CustomRendered: 1 (yes) Exif:DateTimeDigitized: "2008:12:19 12:29:40" Exif:DateTimeOriginal: "2008:12:19 12:29:40" Exif:DigitalZoomRatio: 100/100 (1) Exif:ExifVersion: "" Exif:ExposureBiasValue: 0/10 (0) Exif:ExposureMode: 0 (auto) Exif:ExposureProgram: 3 (aperture priority) Exif:Flash: 8 (no flash, compulsary flash) Exif:FlashPixVersion: "" Exif:FocalLength: 50 (50 mm) Exif:GainControl: 1 (low gain up) Exif:ISOSpeedRatings: 200 Exif:LightSource: 0 (unknown) Exif:MaxApertureValue: 512/256 (2) Exif:MeteringMode: 5 (pattern) Exif:PhotographicSensitivity: 200 Exif:Saturation: 2 (high) Exif:SceneCaptureType: 0 (standard) Exif:Sharpness: 1 (soft) Exif:ShutterSpeedValue: 8.32193 (1/319 s) Exif:WhiteBalance: 1 (manual) oiio:ColorSpace: "sRGB" oiio:MakerNoteOffset: 0 raw:Demosaic: "AHD" ../../../../../oiio-images/raw/RAW_PENTAX_K200D.PEF : 2616 x 3896, 3 channel, uint16 raw channel list: R, G, B DateTime: "2008-08-02 16:46:42" ExposureTime: 0.004 FNumber: 8 Make: "Pentax" Model: "K200D" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 ResolutionUnit: 2 (inches) Software: "K200D Ver 1.00 " XResolution: 1207959552/16777216 (72) YResolution: 1207959552/16777216 (72) Exif:ApertureValue: 6 (f/8.0) Exif:Contrast: 0 (normal) Exif:CustomRendered: 0 (no) Exif:DateTimeDigitized: "2008:08:02 16:46:42" Exif:DateTimeOriginal: "2008:08:02 16:46:42" Exif:ExposureBiasValue: 0/167772160 (0) Exif:ExposureMode: 0 (auto) Exif:ExposureProgram: 2 (normal program) Exif:Flash: 16 (no flash, flash supression) Exif:FocalLength: 42.5 (42.5 mm) Exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 64 Exif:ISOSpeedRatings: 100 Exif:MeteringMode: 5 (pattern) Exif:PhotographicSensitivity: 100 Exif:Saturation: 2 (high) Exif:SceneCaptureType: 0 (standard) Exif:SensingMethod: 2 (1-chip color area) Exif:Sharpness: 2 (hard) Exif:ShutterSpeedValue: 7.96578 (1/249 s) Exif:SubjectDistanceRange: 3 (distant) Exif:WhiteBalance: 1 (manual) oiio:ColorSpace: "sRGB" oiio:MakerNoteOffset: 0 raw:Demosaic: "AHD" raw:Orientation: 8 ../../../../../oiio-images/raw/RAW_SONY_A300.ARW : 3880 x 2608, 3 channel, uint16 raw channel list: R, G, B DateTime: "2008-08-10 23:16:11" ExposureTime: 0.0166667 FNumber: 5.6 ImageDescription: "SONY DSC" Make: "Sony" Model: "DSLR-A300" Orientation: 1 (normal) PixelAspectRatio: 1 ResolutionUnit: 2 (inches) Software: "DSLR-A300 v1.00" XResolution: 72/1 (72) YResolution: 72/1 (72) Exif:ApertureValue: 4.97085 (f/5.6) Exif:BrightnessValue: 137/100 (1.37) Exif:ColorSpace: 1 Exif:CompressedBitsPerPixel: 8/1 (8) Exif:Contrast: 0 (normal) Exif:CustomRendered: 0 (no) Exif:DateTimeDigitized: "2008:08:10 23:16:11" Exif:DateTimeOriginal: "2008:08:10 23:16:11" Exif:ExifVersion: "" Exif:ExposureBiasValue: 0/10 (0) Exif:ExposureMode: 0 (auto) Exif:ExposureProgram: 3 (aperture priority) Exif:Flash: 9 (flash fired, compulsary flash) Exif:FlashPixVersion: "" Exif:FocalLength: 35 (35 mm) Exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 52 Exif:ISOSpeedRatings: 400 Exif:LightSource: 0 (unknown) Exif:MaxApertureValue: 497/100 (4.97) Exif:MeteringMode: 5 (pattern) Exif:PhotographicSensitivity: 400 Exif:PixelXDimension: 3880 Exif:PixelYDimension: 2600 Exif:Saturation: 0 (normal) Exif:SceneCaptureType: 0 (standard) Exif:Sharpness: 0 (normal) Exif:ShutterSpeedValue: 5.90689 (1/59 s) Exif:WhiteBalance: 0 (auto) oiio:ColorSpace: "sRGB" oiio:MakerNoteOffset: 0 raw:Demosaic: "AHD" Comparing "RAW_CANON_EOS_7D.CR2.tif" and "ref/RAW_CANON_EOS_7D.CR2.tif" PASS Comparing "RAW_NIKON_D3X.NEF.tif" and "ref/RAW_NIKON_D3X.NEF.tif" PASS Comparing "RAW_FUJI_F700.RAF.tif" and "ref/RAW_FUJI_F700.RAF.tif" PASS Comparing "RAW_NIKON_D3X.NEF.tif" and "ref/RAW_NIKON_D3X.NEF.tif" PASS Comparing "RAW_OLYMPUS_E3.ORF.tif" and "ref/RAW_OLYMPUS_E3.ORF.tif" PASS Comparing "RAW_PENTAX_K200D.PEF.tif" and "ref/RAW_PENTAX_K200D.PEF-libraw0.18.11.tif" PASS Comparing "RAW_SONY_A300.ARW.tif" and "ref/RAW_SONY_A300.ARW.tif" PASS