memcpy64 Testing to 8192 start: 0.000000 stop: 2.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 2.000000 stop: 4.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 4.000000 stop: 6.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 6.000000 stop: 8.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 Launching 4 Action threads. Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 74 unrolled_loop 324 rep_byte 29 rep_4byte 2 rep_8byte 877 vector_loop 6037 libcall 944 total: 8288 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 308 unrolled_loop(2) 481 290 rep_8byte(5) 887 393 libcall(7) 1727 5700 vector_loop(6) total: 6691 memset64 Testing to 8192 start: 0.000000 stop: 2.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 2.000000 stop: 4.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 4.000000 stop: 6.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 6.000000 stop: 8.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 Launching 4 Action threads. Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 99 unrolled_loop 545 rep_byte 86 rep_4byte 7 rep_8byte 578 vector_loop 604 libcall 6768 total: 8688 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 79 loop(1) 111 577 vector_loop(6) 954 6731 libcall(7) 8071 92 rep_8byte(5) total: 7479 -mmemcpy-strategy=unrolled_loop:480:noalign,rep_8byte:886:noalign,libcall:1727:noalign,vector_loop:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=loop:110:noalign,vector_loop:953:noalign,libcall:8070:noalign,rep_8byte:-1:noalign memcpy32 Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 20 unrolled_loop 174 rep_byte 6649 rep_4byte 261 vector_loop 1150 libcall 2 total: 8257 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 144 unrolled_loop(2) 227 127 rep_4byte(4) 455 342 vector_loop(5) 997 6502 rep_byte(3) total: 7115 memcpy64 Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 56 unrolled_loop 283 rep_byte 5 rep_4byte 2 rep_8byte 3261 vector_loop 4519 libcall 151 total: 8278 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 1477 rep_8byte(5) 2559 3270 vector_loop(6) 6316 1289 rep_8byte(5) 7730 461 vector_loop(6) total: 6497 memset32 Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 39 unrolled_loop 342 rep_byte 3900 rep_4byte 4102 vector_loop 197 libcall 8 total: 8589 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 39 loop(1) 59 288 unrolled_loop(2) 447 555 rep_byte(3) 1051 4064 rep_4byte(4) total: 4946 memset64 Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 2 loop 66 unrolled_loop 552 rep_byte 85 rep_4byte 1 rep_8byte 675 vector_loop 551 libcall 6707 total: 8639 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 103 vector_loop(6) 224 495 unrolled_loop(2) 959 6646 libcall(7) 8069 105 rep_8byte(5) total: 7349 -mmemcpy-strategy=unrolled_loop:480:noalign,rep_8byte:886:noalign,libcall:1727:noalign,vector_loop:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=loop:110:noalign,vector_loop:953:noalign,libcall:8070:noalign,rep_8byte:-1:noalign -mmemcpy-strategy=rep_8byte:2559:noalign,vector_loop:6316:noalign,rep_8byte:7730:noalign,vector_loop:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=vector_loop:224:noalign,unrolled_loop:959:noalign,libcall:8069:noalign,rep_8byte:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=vector_loop:959:noalign,libcall:8069:noalign,rep_8byte:-1:noalign + MEMSTRATEGY = -mmemcpy-strategy=unrolled_loop:480:noalign,rep_8byte:886:noalign,libcall:1727:noalign,vector_loop:-1:noalign + MEMSTRATEGY += -mmemset-strategy=loop:110:noalign,vector_loop:953:noalign,libcall:8070:noalign,rep_8byte:-1:noalign -mmemcpy-strategy=rep_8byte:2048:noalign,vector_loop:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=vector_loop:256:noalign,rep_8byte:-1:noalign memcpy64 Testing to 8192 start: 0.000000 stop: 2.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 2.000000 stop: 4.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 4.000000 stop: 6.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 6.000000 stop: 8.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 Launching 4 Action threads. Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 76 unrolled_loop 0 rep_byte 4 rep_4byte 31 rep_8byte 6595 vector_loop 582 libcall 978 total: 8267 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 63 loop(1) 79 386 rep_8byte(5) 560 841 libcall(7) 2055 5812 rep_8byte(5) memset64 Testing to 8192 start: 0.000000 stop: 2.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 2.000000 stop: 4.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 4.000000 stop: 6.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 6.000000 stop: 8.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 Launching 4 Action threads. Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 96 unrolled_loop 549 rep_byte 104 rep_4byte 3 rep_8byte 450 vector_loop 645 libcall 6812 total: 8660 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 82 loop(1) 167 83 unrolled_loop(2) 263 552 vector_loop(6) 967 6743 libcall(7) total: 7460 -mmemcpy-strategy=loop:79:noalign,rep_8byte:560:noalign,libcall:2055:noalign,rep_8byte:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=loop:167:noalign,unrolled_loop:263:noalign,vector_loop:967:noalign,libcall:-1:noalign memcpy64 Testing to 8192 start: 0.000000 stop: 2.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 2.000000 stop: 4.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 4.000000 stop: 6.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 6.000000 stop: 8.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 Launching 4 Action threads. Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 80 unrolled_loop 343 rep_byte 1 rep_4byte 2 rep_8byte 1460 vector_loop 3721 libcall 2731 total: 8339 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 2920 vector_loop(6) 5511 967 libcall(7) 6528 795 rep_8byte(5) 7387 801 vector_loop(6) total: 5483 memset64 Testing to 8192 start: 0.000000 stop: 2.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 2.000000 stop: 4.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 4.000000 stop: 6.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 start: 6.000000 stop: 8.000000 combos: 91592417279.333328 Launching 4 Action threads. Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 105 unrolled_loop 518 rep_byte 97 rep_4byte 3 rep_8byte 412 vector_loop 641 libcall 6887 total: 8664 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 111 vector_loop(6) 231 232 unrolled_loop(2) 487 402 vector_loop(6) 959 6887 libcall(7) total: 7632 -mmemcpy-strategy=vector_loop:5511:noalign,libcall:6528:noalign,rep_8byte:7387:noalign,vector_loop:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=vector_loop:231:noalign,unrolled_loop:487:noalign,vector_loop:959:noalign,libcall:-1:noalign memcpy Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 1 loop 60 unrolled_loop 282 rep_byte 1 rep_4byte 2 rep_8byte 516 vector_loop 455 libcall 6953 total: 8270 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 51 loop(1) 55 235 unrolled_loop(2) 424 76 rep_8byte(5) 582 6924 libcall(7) total: 7286 memset Total wins for all data (ties count as win) byte_loop 0 loop 120 unrolled_loop 700 rep_byte 79 rep_4byte 3 rep_8byte 739 vector_loop 706 libcall 6695 total: 9042 Config with most wins/ties: start wins alg/s 0 106 loop(1) 151 662 vector_loop(6) 967 6653 libcall(7) 8063 112 rep_8byte(5) total: 7533 -mmemcpy-strategy=loop:55:noalign,unrolled_loop:424:noalign,rep_8byte:582:noalign,libcall:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=loop:151:noalign,vector_loop:967:noalign,libcall:8063:noalign,rep_8byte:-1:noalign -mmemcpy-strategy=loop:64:noalign,rep_8byte:2048:noalign,vector_loop:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=loop:192:noalign,vector_loop:896:noalign,libcall:-1:noalign -mmemcpy-strategy=loop:16:noalign,rep_8byte:512:noalign,libcall:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=byte_loop:4:noalign,vector_loop:512:noalign,libcall:-1:noalign -mmemcpy-strategy=loop:16:noalign,rep_8byte:512:noalign,libcall:-1:noalign -mmemset-strategy=unrolled_loop:128:noalign,libcall:-1:noalign