
GimpColorProfileStore — A GtkListStore subclass that keep color profiles.


GtkListStore *      gimp_color_profile_store_new        (const gchar *history);
void                gimp_color_profile_store_add        (GimpColorProfileStore *store,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         const gchar *label);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GimpColorProfileStore implements GtkTreeModel, GtkTreeDragSource, GtkTreeDragDest, GtkTreeSortable and GtkBuildable.


  "history"                  gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only


A GtkListStore subclass that keep color profiles.



typedef struct _GimpColorProfileStore GimpColorProfileStore;

gimp_color_profile_store_new ()

GtkListStore *      gimp_color_profile_store_new        (const gchar *history);

Creates a new GimpColorProfileStore object and populates it with last used profiles read from the file history. The updated history is written back to disk when the store is disposed.

The filename passed as history is typically created using the following code snippet:

gchar *history = gimp_personal_rc_file ("profilerc");

history :

filename of the profilerc (or NULL for no history)

Returns :

a new GimpColorProfileStore

Since GIMP 2.4

gimp_color_profile_store_add ()

void                gimp_color_profile_store_add        (GimpColorProfileStore *store,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         const gchar *label);

Adds a color profile item to the GimpColorProfileStore. Items added with this function will be kept at the top, separated from the history of last used color profiles.

This function is often used to add a selectable item for the NULL filename. If you pass NULL for both filename and label, the label will be set to the string "None" for you (and translated for the user).

store :

a GimpColorProfileStore

filename :

filename of the profile to add (or NULL)

label :

label to use for the profile (may only be NULL if filename is NULL)

Since GIMP 2.4

Property Details

The "history" property

  "history"                  gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

Filename of the color history used to populate the profile store.

Default value: NULL

Since GIMP 2.4